Department of Basic Education /

The programme focuses on learners from the poorest schools across the country

About The NSNP

Former president Nelson Mandela, called for a primary school nutrition programme to be introduced in 1994 as thousands of our children arrived at school hungry compromising their ability to learn and achieve their potential. The National School Nutrition Programme (NSNP) has benefitted learners from the poorest schools across the country.

The Objectives Of The NSNP Are To:

  1. To contribute to enhanced learning through school feeding
  2. To strengthen nutrition education in schools in order to promote healthy lifestyles
  3. To promote sustainable food production initiatives in schools
  4. To develop partnerships to enhance the programme

Since inception of the partnership with the Foundation, considerable progress has been made and valuable lessons learnt leading to changes in the Programme; expanding the breakfast programme to into secondary schools in 2009.

The NSNP consists of a well co-ordinated team to manage and implement the programme throughout South Africa, and the co-operation between the Department of Basic Education, provincial departments, district offices and partners who share a high level of commitment towards the future of our learners.

Meeting with Minister of Basic Education

The TBF postponed introductory meeting of new trustees between the Foundation and DBE took place on Monday, 21 November 2016. The Foundation was represented by the Chairperson and the director.

We were privileged to be accompanied by Mr Lawrence Mac Dougall, CEO of Tiger Brands Ltd. Apart from the minister, the DBE was represented by the Director of Communications, Director and Deputy Director of Partnerships, Director of Nutrition and the Director of Monitoring and Evaluation.

The minister expressed her sincere thanks to Mr Mac Dougall for making the time to meet with her. The meeting was very fruitful and the minister repeatedly thanked the Foundation for their support and mentioned the DBE’s dependence on the partnership.

The minister further expressed her satisfaction with the research undertaken by the Foundation and highlighted the need for a literacy programme that is strongly connected to a nutrition education programme.

For more information on the NSNP, click here.

“Hunger is not a problem. It is an obscenity. How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.”

– Anne Frank